Candlelight topic meeting is back to: Face to Face meetings

Candlelight topic meeting returns July 21st, 2020 (instead of July 14th) to Face to Face meeting. Temporary location change

Johannes Camphuijsstraat 25, 2593 CH The Hague, Netherlands

*PLEASE NOTE, ALL RULES STILL APPLY* Please do not come to the F2F meeting if you are ill.

No hugging or shaking hands, the elbow greet if wanted

Daily Reflections is back to: Face to Face meetings

Daily Reflections returns July 16th, 2020 to Face to Face meeting.

*PLEASE NOTE, ALL RULES STILL APPLY* Please do not come to the F2F meeting if you are ill.

No hugging or shaking hands, the elbow greet if wanted

2020 A.A. Convention 3rd Meeting

Hello All,

Print the Convention Flyer and pass it on in your meetings!!

A few of us would also like to get out there and visit your meetings for promotion and would like it if you could introduce us. Drop me a line on the best dates and I will see what I can do. Also there are service positions that can be adjusted to fit a fellow that is staying one day or the full weekend.

Positions still to be of service are: Mr. & Mrs. Fix it

Next Committee meeting will be held March 15, 2020:

Johannes Camphuijsstraat 25, 2593 CH, Den Haag

Starts at 3:00p.m. (15:00)

We also have set-up Skype for those who do not feel comfortable taking public transport. So please before the meeting starts send a request to : 2020 Convention committee in search on Skype or click:

New Meeting in Amsterdam by Rule 62

On Sunday the 29th of December there will be a new Big Book meeting at the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 282a. It starts at 10 o’clock. Bring your own big book.

New day for Beginners Topic Meeting in Amsterdam

And not only the day, also the adress.

The Beginners Topic Meeting is moving from wednesday to friday and to their new location at the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 282a, starting from 15 november.

New Sunrise meeting in Rotterdam

From Monday there will be a new meeting in Rotterdam. It’s the first meeting in the morning for this city so check it out. Five days a week so no excuses.

It’s on the Statenweg 207, with a 10 minute silent meditation to start your day fresh.

Book in the Spotlight

How AA members use the program to improve relationships


This collection of Grapevine stories shows the many ways members use the Twelve Steps, sponsorship, and the tools of the program to improve and repair relationships, old and new. When we were drinking, many of us had, as the Step Four chapter in the AA book Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions puts it, “a total inability to form a true partnership with another human being.” With candid and colorful stories on families, friendships, marriage, divorce, dating, romance, co-workers, sponsorship and pets, this book covers a wide range of experience from sober alcoholics on how we form true partnerships with others.

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